Mindfulness Session of 45-60 minutes in which we diagnose the severity of the stress level of client, problem assessment, and solution plan via Advanced Vedic Mindfulness Sessions. This consultation session also includes a questionnaire, client’s detail gathering, requirements analysis, problem identification, and solution to client’s question.
Mindfulness Session is the boost-up session in which we calm down the mind, energize the mind, prepare the mind & body to be mindful for peaceful life.
Our Advanced Vedic Mindfulness Treatment is complete by taking 14, 26, 52 session packages. Our Mind is busy at every moment so weekly session is required every week to pacify the mind. This technique will boost up the mind to be mindful & joyful in life.
This combination of Mindfulness Consultation and Advanced Mindfulness Session is the powerful tool to energize your brain to be mindful in your life.
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